In The News - The Springboro Star Press
The Springboro Star Press
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Vol. 45 Issue 19
Schmidt Auto Care holds ribbon cutting
Schmidt Auto Care held a ribbon cutting and grand opening ceremony for its new location on Hiawatha trail on Tuesday, January 15.
The event saw 30 - 40 people attend to take in the surroundings, leading owner Lauralee Schmidt to remark approvingly. “It went great,” she said. “We had a great crowd, ranging from city officials to old clients and new clients. It was definitely a great showing. We couldn’t have been more pleased with it.” Schmidt said that the visitors were very receptive to the new surroundings. “They were very impressed with the shop,” she said. “So many people told us that they thought it was weird to say the auto shop was beautiful. They were impressed with the waiting room and space. People were impressed with the space that we acquired and the luxury feel. There were a lot of oohs and ahs with a lot of the upgrades we’ve done to the new location.” She added that, although the store plans to set up two more locations to the south, the ambition has not stopped her from being humble. “For us, it was just really overwhelming to see the amount of support with the people who showed up,” she said. “You couldn’t really have asked for a better evening. We got a lot of positive feedback because we’ve been working really hard. We were just impressed with the amount of people that showed up. We’re an auto shop, not some fancy bar or something. We’re just an auto shop.” As for what Schmidt Auto Care plans to do with its new profile, Lauralee said that there are no concrete dates set, but that a car care class for each of the seasons, as well as a block party are in the works for this year.
By Jacob Espinosa
Staff Writer

The Springboro Star Press
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Vol. 45 Issue 19
Schmidt Auto Care holds ribbon cutting
Schmidt Auto Care held a ribbon cutting and grand opening ceremony for its new location on Hiawatha trail on Tuesday, January 15.
The event saw 30 - 40 people attend to take in the surroundings, leading owner Lauralee Schmidt to remark approvingly. “It went great,” she said. “We had a great crowd, ranging from city officials to old clients and new clients. It was definitely a great showing. We couldn’t have been more pleased with it.” Schmidt said that the visitors were very receptive to the new surroundings. “They were very impressed with the shop,” she said. “So many people told us that they thought it was weird to say the auto shop was beautiful. They were impressed with the waiting room and space. People were impressed with the space that we acquired and the luxury feel. There were a lot of oohs and ahs with a lot of the upgrades we’ve done to the new location.” She added that, although the store plans to set up two more locations to the south, the ambition has not stopped her from being humble. “For us, it was just really overwhelming to see the amount of support with the people who showed up,” she said. “You couldn’t really have asked for a better evening. We got a lot of positive feedback because we’ve been working really hard. We were just impressed with the amount of people that showed up. We’re an auto shop, not some fancy bar or something. We’re just an auto shop.” As for what Schmidt Auto Care plans to do with its new profile, Lauralee said that there are no concrete dates set, but that a car care class for each of the seasons, as well as a block party are in the works for this year.
By Jacob Espinosa
Staff Writer