COVID-19 Message from Schmidt Auto Care
Springboro Strong
Here at Schmidt Auto Care, we specialize in creating an excellent automotive experience for everyone who walks through our doors. We wanted to take a moment to be very transparent at a time where there is little transparency in the world. We understand the impending Covid-19 is causing tremendous anxiety and discontent in everyone’s life, and we want to let you know what we are doing to best protect our company, our team, and our valued guests’ vehicles. You see, people will still need to be on the roads at this time. There is still commerce going on, construction going on, first responders out, and general public commuting to jobs that haven’t closed. And we are here for you. Keeping you on the roads is what we do best. We take that job very seriously.
We are taking several steps to ensure that our guests are cared for with the highest level of service and safety. We have slowly rolled out curbside service over the last summer, and now it is in full swing during this bizarre time of quarantine. Curbside service means we will come and pick up your vehicle from either your place of residence or work. Upon repairs being finished, we can take payment over the phone, and deliver your car back to the destination you prefer. We know you may be taking care of kids, the elderly, or even yourself and are worried about going out. Don’t be, we are here for you. The upside to this is that once the repair is done, and business is back to usual, you won’t be inconvenienced by stopping on your day off for repair work.
For the extroverts who are slowly dying inside and want to come out into the public, our waiting room welcomes you. We have been bending over backward to ensure the waiting room is wiped down after each guest has left. We have sanitized our coffee machines, snack racks, magazines, tables, and chairs hundreds of times at this point. Our poor fish are probably going to die from inhaling cleaning fumes. Our bathroom is no exception, and we are taking extra cleaning procedures there as well. We have plenty of toilet paper stocked for your potty pleasure.
We are also fully aware school is closed down and your kiddos are at home. If you still want to come out with your child, we set up a rock painting area to continue our rock garden project. This space is complete with total hygiene, paint smocks, and snacks. We also have “To Go” coloring books, balloons, and popcorn to help ease the cabin fever and boredom at home if you want to pick something up and go. We all know there are only so many Netflix shows one can watch, so let’s get kids creating and coloring. We are parents too, so we understand the importance of keeping a kid entertained and out of your hair while you also try to keep up on work from home.
On the garage side of things, our technicians are going above and beyond. We already practiced client care and cleanliness inside your cars, so we just amped that up a bit. Gloves are always being worn inside your car and surfaces are being wiped down. There is nothing living on your dash, steering wheel, or gear shift if we can help it. We do ask that if you are having your car worked on that you remove any excess trash from it first to best protect from any other germs. We want to keep our technicians just as safe as we keep our guests. We also implemented a strict health policy, and no one is to be here if remotely ill-feeling. Don’t worry, we are taking health seriously.
And last, but not least, we have a dropbox for you. It is embedded into our front door, and you can drop keys at any time if you prefer to avoid no personal interaction. For our germaphobes, introverts, and people who are just plain terrified, we thought the dropbox service would be your best option. Grab an envelope from our box, fill out all the info completely, and then drop your keys. We will get you into the workflow process and also get you back on the road shortly.
This is an uncertain time for so many people You see, we are a family-owned and operated shop. We rely on community support to stay afloat. For 10 years, we have given our blood, sweat, and tears to this shop and our community. We know we are going to see a hit from this on some level. We are already watching our friends take huge hits as their bars and restaurants shut down. The local economy will take a substantial demise if this continues long term, so we are committed to staying afloat as long as we can sustain. We cannot do that without the cars in our shop. So, we humbly ask at this time that if you are a company with fleet services, consider us. If you are needing repair work, consider us. If you are just looking for an oil change, consider us. We have worked incredibly hard to build the best shop in the community, and we have achieved that. Help us stay afloat another 10 years. Help other businesses stay afloat as well.
Consider supporting the local restaurants that are doing curbside pick up or delivery, they need you. Local boutique shop owners need you. We have this amazing community built upon small businesses, and I can only imagine the late-night planning and behind the scenes work business owners are doing. We all live, eat, and breathe our businesses. Without small businesses, the local economy can’t flourish. It isn’t big boxes stores that give back, it’s us. Our names are hanging on the school banners, we are donating to proms, we support sport and art functions. Small business is the heart of any community and we all need your help right now. Don’t let COVID-19 take down our city. Stand tall and come outside to keep commerce moving. Springboro needs you. We need you.

Springboro Strong
Here at Schmidt Auto Care, we specialize in creating an excellent automotive experience for everyone who walks through our doors. We wanted to take a moment to be very transparent at a time where there is little transparency in the world. We understand the impending Covid-19 is causing tremendous anxiety and discontent in everyone’s life, and we want to let you know what we are doing to best protect our company, our team, and our valued guests’ vehicles. You see, people will still need to be on the roads at this time. There is still commerce going on, construction going on, first responders out, and general public commuting to jobs that haven’t closed. And we are here for you. Keeping you on the roads is what we do best. We take that job very seriously.
We are taking several steps to ensure that our guests are cared for with the highest level of service and safety. We have slowly rolled out curbside service over the last summer, and now it is in full swing during this bizarre time of quarantine. Curbside service means we will come and pick up your vehicle from either your place of residence or work. Upon repairs being finished, we can take payment over the phone, and deliver your car back to the destination you prefer. We know you may be taking care of kids, the elderly, or even yourself and are worried about going out. Don’t be, we are here for you. The upside to this is that once the repair is done, and business is back to usual, you won’t be inconvenienced by stopping on your day off for repair work.
For the extroverts who are slowly dying inside and want to come out into the public, our waiting room welcomes you. We have been bending over backward to ensure the waiting room is wiped down after each guest has left. We have sanitized our coffee machines, snack racks, magazines, tables, and chairs hundreds of times at this point. Our poor fish are probably going to die from inhaling cleaning fumes. Our bathroom is no exception, and we are taking extra cleaning procedures there as well. We have plenty of toilet paper stocked for your potty pleasure.
We are also fully aware school is closed down and your kiddos are at home. If you still want to come out with your child, we set up a rock painting area to continue our rock garden project. This space is complete with total hygiene, paint smocks, and snacks. We also have “To Go” coloring books, balloons, and popcorn to help ease the cabin fever and boredom at home if you want to pick something up and go. We all know there are only so many Netflix shows one can watch, so let’s get kids creating and coloring. We are parents too, so we understand the importance of keeping a kid entertained and out of your hair while you also try to keep up on work from home.
On the garage side of things, our technicians are going above and beyond. We already practiced client care and cleanliness inside your cars, so we just amped that up a bit. Gloves are always being worn inside your car and surfaces are being wiped down. There is nothing living on your dash, steering wheel, or gear shift if we can help it. We do ask that if you are having your car worked on that you remove any excess trash from it first to best protect from any other germs. We want to keep our technicians just as safe as we keep our guests. We also implemented a strict health policy, and no one is to be here if remotely ill-feeling. Don’t worry, we are taking health seriously.
And last, but not least, we have a dropbox for you. It is embedded into our front door, and you can drop keys at any time if you prefer to avoid no personal interaction. For our germaphobes, introverts, and people who are just plain terrified, we thought the dropbox service would be your best option. Grab an envelope from our box, fill out all the info completely, and then drop your keys. We will get you into the workflow process and also get you back on the road shortly.
This is an uncertain time for so many people You see, we are a family-owned and operated shop. We rely on community support to stay afloat. For 10 years, we have given our blood, sweat, and tears to this shop and our community. We know we are going to see a hit from this on some level. We are already watching our friends take huge hits as their bars and restaurants shut down. The local economy will take a substantial demise if this continues long term, so we are committed to staying afloat as long as we can sustain. We cannot do that without the cars in our shop. So, we humbly ask at this time that if you are a company with fleet services, consider us. If you are needing repair work, consider us. If you are just looking for an oil change, consider us. We have worked incredibly hard to build the best shop in the community, and we have achieved that. Help us stay afloat another 10 years. Help other businesses stay afloat as well.
Consider supporting the local restaurants that are doing curbside pick up or delivery, they need you. Local boutique shop owners need you. We have this amazing community built upon small businesses, and I can only imagine the late-night planning and behind the scenes work business owners are doing. We all live, eat, and breathe our businesses. Without small businesses, the local economy can’t flourish. It isn’t big boxes stores that give back, it’s us. Our names are hanging on the school banners, we are donating to proms, we support sport and art functions. Small business is the heart of any community and we all need your help right now. Don’t let COVID-19 take down our city. Stand tall and come outside to keep commerce moving. Springboro needs you. We need you.